FREE Internet TV: A How To (Cancel CableTV)

Sites recommended:,,,, – all are legal sites to enjoy the shows & movies you love!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

15 thoughts on “FREE Internet TV: A How To (Cancel CableTV)”

  1. I love using internet TV, but sometimes you just can’t find the shows you want to watch on the internet and need normal TV, especially when you’re looking for older seasons of a longer running show. For example, How I Met Your Mother old seasons (1 and 2) are impossible to find on legal sites like you listed

  2. @bluber890 it’s a bit more difficult then that. I spliced a vga to av cable, and it only worked on my tv I own from 1989! So I used a custom made chip with a 45c gate and a tlg39 and it seemed to work fine! 😀

  3. @k3roj thanks for the comment & suggestion :). Ironically I live in and around the same region, but Internet TV suits my needs at my place with this set up, as Im not a sports fan. Same goes for at my girlfriend’s place where use a Roku box. That set up is my more user friendly and intuitive for general population.

  4. Don’t forget to check out your local TV channels by using a small TV antenna. Here near Baltimore, 21 channels are available from Baltimore and Washington, no rotor needed by placing the small antenna in the middle since with digital TV, there is no longer any ghosting.

  5. @erminthon there are two parts to the video – part 2 shows how easy it is to connect a modern PC to a LCD tv.

  6. @alizay323 Veetle is a total rip off of From it’s design (WOW looks exactly same) to it’s concept.

  7. @Gyro911 actually u can watch pay per view channels on veetle dot com…even movies that are still in theaters…i saw the paquiao vs. mosley fight like that, for free….u can even watch it on ur phone =)

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