Welcome to Internet Ready TV!

Hi and welcome to Internet-Ready-TV.org.  We’ve put this site together as a resource for Internet TV information, reviews and pricing and we hope you find it useful as you look to buy a new set.

So what is all the fuss about? What are Internet Ready TVs? Well they are the next step in the evolution of the television in being your view on the outside world. The importance of the Internet and how we connect to it increases daily. It affects how we run our daily lives, keep in contact with family and friends and manage our media and information. Many devices now include access to important web applications like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter and it’s only natural that the television has followed making it very simple to access these services through a few button pushes on a remote control.

The ability to view and access the Internet through a TV has been around for a long time. You needed to have a PC or games console plugged in to your television and they accessed the Internet, the TV just being a dumb display device. Now Internet-Ready TVs provide all this functionality built in and easily accessible from within your TV itself giving a far more seemless and integrated experience.

Getting connected is usually very simple. These televisions will have an Ethernet port (and normally some form of wireless connection) just like your PC. You just plug it into your router to access broadband Internet in the same way.

When you switch on your TV you’ll now have options to access applciations directly or use an in-built browser to surf to them. The exact applications and internet tv functionality varies between manufacturers and this is changing all the time as Internet TVs can have their software upgraded online just like a PC. Its important to check the exact specification of the TV you are ordering. Some manufacturers are introducing App stores so you can download new applications as they become available.

We hope you find the information in our site useful and wish you many happy hours of Internet time on your new purchase!


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